Heading to Europe for DLD and WEF

I'm getting pumped, I'm heading to Europe for two great conferences.

First, there's DLD (Digital, Life, Design) in Munich, which looks really interesting. I've never been to Munich before, so I'm looking forward to getting some time to see the city and meet some people. I'm also thinking about doing a photowalk when I'm there. Any Munich natives or DLD participants up for a walk around the city to geek out and take some photos?

After DLD, I'm off to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Getting invited to the WEF as a Technology Pioneer was a tremendous honor for Technorati, and I'm really looking forward to taking in the entire Davos experience.

I'm bringing my camera and laptop, so I'm going to do my darndest to blog about both of these conferences - maybe even get an interesting interview or two out of it as well...

If you're coming to either conference and want to hook up while there, drop me a line, or leave a comment below!

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