Giving MarsEdit a try

For many years, I've been using Adriaan Tijsseling's ecto as an offline blogging client. It's not perfect, but it's a damn good blogging client - full-featured, easy to use, and has plugin support, as well as having nice things like Technorati tags built into it. if you're starting out blogging, you should definitely check it out, it is a big improvement from the web-based tools that come with most blogging platforms.Recently I've noticed, however, that for some reason, I haven't been blogging much. Maybe it's because I've been really busy, or because of the amount of time I'm spending working on Offbeat Guides, I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I've been hanging out a bit more on Twitter and Friendfeed. Who knows? Well, I'm going to try blogging a bit more often from now on, and we'll see if it sticks. And just for fun, I'm going to go give MarsEdit a try, and see how I like it. So far, it's pretty nice - it gets out of my way, and there's this nice Preview window that gives me a preview of my post that updates while I type. I like that. It supports Technorati Tags, and has support for Flickr, which should make it easy for me to add photos. And it seems to support some Emacs-style keyboard shortcut, like Ctrl-a to go to the beginning of a line, and Ctrl-e to go to the end of a line - little things that just feel right for an old-timer like me. What's your favorite offline editor for the Mac? Got any good tips or shortcuts when using MarsEdit? Leave a comment below...

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