We have winners!

I am proud to announce that we have six winners of the Technorati Developer Contest. I continue to be amazed at how creative our developer community is. So, this post is really about them, so without further ado, here they are!

Grand Prize goes to Josh Tauberer, a Penn graduate student. He built govtrack.us, which uses the Technorati API to track bills through Congress.

Our distinguished runners up:

Stefan Magdalinksi brings us Whitelabel.org's wikiproxy which uses Technorati to build an enhanced BBC news site that shows blogs that are commenting on BBC.com articles.

Aaron Swartz built personaldemocracy.com's Hot Pols and Top 25 Blogs, which tracks the rise and fall of politicians buzz in the blogosphere.

Niall Kennedy brings us an AppleScript plugin that you add to NetNewsWire which will subscribe to the Technorati Cosmos RSS feed for the item a reader is currently reading.

Timothy Appnel kindly open sourced his XML::XOXO Perl Library which supports XOXO process of XHTML outlines, blogrolls, and Attention.XML.

Michael Dale integrated the Technorati API with the Touchgraph open source graphing system.

To all of those who participated, thank you, we are honored and appreciate everything you've done.

Check out our contest results page for more detail.

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