State of the Blogosphere 2008 Part 2: The What and Why of Blogging

Today Technorati released the second part of our State of the Blogosphere report, and today's topics focus on what bloggers blog about, and why they blog. Technorati surveyed over 1000 bloggers who use the service, and came away with some very interesting statistically significant information:Some highlights:

  • Both personal and professional topics are equally popular, with most bloggers covering multiple topics
  • Half of bloggers consider their style to be sincere, conversational, humorous, and expert in nature.
  • Although there is a perception of blogging as a means for writing a tell-all or gossiping, those blogging styles fell to the bottom of the list among the bloggers surveyed
  • Music is more popular and politics is less popular in Asia, while personal, lifestyle, and religious topics are less popular in Europe.
  • International bloggers tend to be less conversational and snarky.
  • Asian bloggers tend to be more motivational and confessional, while European bloggers are more confrontational.
  • Women tend to be more conversational in their blogging style, while men tend to be expert.
  • Those under 34 are more confessional in their blogging style, while those over 35 are more expert in their style.
  • When asked why they blog, the majority of personal bloggers do it for fun.
  • Twenty percent are currently making some money blogging, and another 42% hope to make money on their blog in the future.

There's lots more in the report, along with some very interesting charts and graphs showing more detailed analysis of what bloggers feel, and how they are motivated. If you missed it, you can check out the first part of the report, which gives more of an overview.